Launch of Friction less EarnX as an utility for NFTs

Yearn (EarnX) Classic Finance
2 min readApr 1, 2021


Hello our loyal EARN community

After launching Yearn Classic Finance vault and EARNSwap which was a turning point for both developers and the community, it’s time to take another exceptional milestone in EARN ecosystem and that’s EarnX.

EARNX will be a utility token for an unheard-of version of NFTs that can retain their value lifelong and will be totally driven by our community.

To shed more light on it, EarnX is a frictionless yield generating token that will tax 10 percent on each buys and sells of which 5 percent will be rewarded to the holders and the remaining 5 percent will become auto liquidity. Moreover, in yearn classic finance deployer account we will keep 5 percent of minted EarnX in order to buy back EARN and EarnX out of generated fees.
Finally for EarnX, we will bring a completely new category of NFTs which is unprecedented in the industry and will be revolutionary in the whole NFT ecosystem.

Await for more details.

Grab EarnX from from 1st April 2021 18:00 GMT

EarnX DxSale V1 ID is

EarnX Token Contract Address: 0x9c28e48ea9170d9a9cb76d338655b8bd4124bc7a



Yearn (EarnX) Classic Finance

YearnClassic Finance is a blockchain agnostic decentralized finance (DeFi) aggregator on BSC and EarnX is the utility token for EarnX exclusive physical NFTs